DS3231 MAX7219 interrupts

… also known as DS3231 part III. (Have you seen Part I and Part II ?)


It is pretty natural to start playing with interrupts as we write program for the clock. There are 3 (in UNO, other boards have different number) internal timer based interrupts. Timer0 and Timer2 are based on 8 bits counters, so I decided to use Timer1 here with 16 bits. The prescaler set to 64 and match register to 2499 did the trick (one could use as well 256;624 or 8;19999 pairs for Timer1 looking for 100Hz refresh).

Continue reading DS3231 MAX7219 interrupts

DS3231 MAX7219 8digits

… or DS3231 part II 🙂 (see also part III and IV – the story goes on with interrupts)

The next step after testing if it works at all was to display ful time, and especially seconds. So 4 digits offered by TM1637 based module (let’s call it part I) was not enough. I used 8 digits 7 segment display based on MAX7219.



For the code, apart from DS3231 library mentioned in previous post, I used also Eberhard Fahle LedControl library.

Continue reading DS3231 MAX7219 8digits

LCD Keypad Shield

A display and buttons shield (but BTW: have you checked other Displays on this site?) well suited as the human interface for a number of “compact design standalone” projects.


Similar to already described 16×2 LCD module (using the same display), but with 6 built into the shield buttons (RESET, SELECT; and 4 directions: LEFT, UP, DOWN, RIGHT).

The shield leaves a lot of pins at your disposal. Used pins are only:

Analog 0 Button (select, up, right, down and left – see the code comments)
Digital 4 – 7 DB4 – DB7
Digital 8 RS (Data or Signal Display Selection)
Digital 9 Enable
Digital 10 Backlit Control

So the user has free access to Analog 1-5, and Digital 0-3 and 11-13. Out of these, the most important are 0 and 1, which can be used as RX and TX, 3 and 11 with are PWM capable, as well as standard LED 🙂 output on digital pin 13.

Also whole ISCP connector, which is normally blocked by the shield body is repeated on the side.

Continue reading LCD Keypad Shield

HMC5883 GY-273 test

Basic setup to test HMC5883 on GY-273


Real images:


Just connect: GND, VCC (5V), SCL and SDA (I2C standard signals) to your Arduino. Older versions could use A4 for SDA and A5 for SCL, but with most up-to-date boards appropriate dedicated pins (see green and purple connection lines) could be used,
And another image with shorter connectors:WP_20151112_08_24_39_Pro Continue reading HMC5883 GY-273 test